Leading a healthy active lifestyle involves eating clean fresh food from a variety of different sources. Athlete´s are often left alone in guessing, preparing, and shopping for freshly cooked meals that are portioned controlled, day by day, week by week. As an athlete devoted and advocating for padel, my contribution to all padel freaks out there, especially girls and women is to cross out the guesswork from our to-do list.

Nutrition conscious padel athlete Emmie Ekdahl

Wheather casual players, more committed players, and serious padel trainees, all of us benefit from healthy nutrition. When we want to tip the scales on our body and mind performance, it is necessary that we include our meals and intake into our daily equation. No mind and body performance whatsoever, from yoga to alpine hiking is excluded from the equation. What we eat matters, and it does matter a lot. Becoming a skillful rounded padel player requires training in court and in the kitchen. Premium, healthy nutritionally balanced meals DO make a difference in your athletic performance. A serious, focused padel player is no different from any other athlete.

Learning the basics about your nutritional intake doesn´t mean you have to eat boring greens every day or power up with powdered vitamins. Far from the truth, nourishing your athletic self is a journey of discovery, sensations, and taste I am happy to have commenced, and so much want to share with my trainees and friends. Our blog will offer fun and easy recipes that will cross out the guesswork and let you focus on what is important to our bodies as professional padel players. Please do make a note that these are suggested guidelines, and in what no means what so ever these are weight-oriented recipes. I share in my blog my experience and favorite recipes that have proven nutritionally balanced, calorie-controlled, high protein meals with my choices of carbohydrates and vegetables. I want to share and inspire you to become a healthier athlete, conscious of your mind and body objectives, helping you reach your training and sports goals.